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It started with a simple page to organize my drawing she made each year, but quickly became something entirely new! In 2014, 14 year old Fleedermauws understood she could do more with these pages than just write her age and go on with her life. This page, this piece of paper that would stand in front of the collection of art she would make that year, would slowly develop into a look into the future. Into the artistic unknown.

This idea started to develop around the piece for her 18th birthday. Fearing what it would be to finally be legally adult. And now, whichever year it is, the pages are still being made each year, as a prediction of what the future year would be. Becoming a way to see how Fleedermauws' artistic life will and is evolving towards.


Seeing how things evolve have always been a concept that intrigues Fleedermauws. 

2014 - Till Death


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